

It’s just an honor to do this deep dive with you into ‘Loving Your Enemy, the True Path of Healing and Mastery’. We often think about this demand or command from the Bible, ‘love your enemy’, having to do with other people. It doesn’t really have anything to do with people. But principally speaking, it refers to all that you judge bad or negative, in your body and your world. For instance, it refers to a quality or characteristic about a person that pushes your button: they’re needy, they’re greedy, they’re selfish, they’re a thief, etc. Ultimately, all of those qualities are in you. They’re not out there. If they push your button in any way, shape, or form, they’re all in you. They make you sad, mad, scared, angry, fearful, resentful, and defensive. It’s all in you. You’re not in the world; the world is in you. You’re not in relationships; relationships are all in you. You’re a field of consciousness that includes all of it. Your unique experience of it all is showing where you need to grow, showing you frag