Sideshow With Mel & Shana

Weird Thanksgiving Part 4 - Ope! PANDEMIC! Hallowthanksmas Edition



Happy Hallowthanksmas! This episode we talk about how that is an actual thing and how we have all unknowingly fallen victim to its capitalistic ways. But really, what else are we supposed to do during a pandemic but buy stuff and put up our Christmas décor the second Halloween is over? We also have some $5.00 words (OK just one) and lament about having cat hair everywhere. Just bear with us, this is a short episode. We promise there will be more to come shortly… If you like what you hear and have stories to tell us or just want to make a suggestion for our next episode, email us at: Visit our Facebook page at: Follow us on Instagram at: Follow us on Twitter at: And become a Patreon donor for access to exclusive content not available on any other platform! To become a donor, go to: And