
# 156 - How to be a -10x developer - كيفاش تكون مبرمج عيان



In This episode, We discuss around a famous article titled "How to be a -10x developer" and we share our thoughts and experiences around the topic. Guests Mahmoud Fettal Soubai Abderahim Badr Bellaj Mehdi Cheracher Abdelati El ASRI Notes 0:00:00 - Introduction and welcoming 0:05:00 - What is an average developer? 0:22:00 - 10x developer definition and how to spot them? 0:41:00 - Guests's level from -10x to 10x 0:55:30 - Nullify the output of a 10 developer 1:08:00 - Create 400 hours of busy work 1:14:06 - Create 400 hours of burnout/takeover 1:17:06 - Waste 10 weeks of wages on cloud costs 1:32:36 - Add 400 hours of compilation/build time. 1:40:20 - Write pointless tests 1:47:40 - Lose 10 weeks of wages on unhappy customers 1:56:30 - Hire 10 0x developers 2:10:00 - How AI tools can help you be a 10x developer 2:17:00 - How to optimize your communication with your laptop 2:33:00 - QA 2:47:20 - Conclusion and goodbye. Links How to be a -10x Engineer Yes, you can measure soft