Red Door Church

The Body & The Blood | Luke 22.7-20



Our story is the story of redemption through the sacrifice of a Lamb. Beginning with the Exodus from Egypt (Ex.12), and fulfilled in Jesus, our Passover Lamb (1 Cor. 5:7), Red Door participates in the story of redemption every week as we share Communion and remember the Body and Blood of Jesus. -- Preacher: Jonathan Smith Series: Meals With Jesus Passage: Luke 22.7-20 Subscribe: More: -- All glory be to thee Almighty God, 
our heavenly Father,
who of thy tender mercy
didst give thine only Son Jesus Christ
to suffer death upon the cross for our redemption;
who made there, 
by his one oblation of himself once offered,
a full, perfect and sufficient sacrifice,
oblation and satisfaction
for the sins of the whole world;
and did institute,
and in his holy gospel command us to continue,
a perpetual memory of that his precious death,
until his coming again. -- The story of the Red Door begins over 3000 years ago in the land of Egypt. The book of Exodus tells of the re