Hosts Of Eden

A New Discovery



(FICTION) Welcome to season two of Hosts of Eden, a serial, science-fiction podcast written and performed by storyteller Jay Mcfarland.  In episode 2 of season 2, we reunite with Marian, the psychiatrist, and Mason, the former sergeant. They've continued the work of Abe or Abel in season 1, transforming his home into headquarters for a covert government organization with ties to the President of the United States, called Covenant, which now houses the Genesis device that helps Eden's people find new hosts on Earth. At HQ, Marian discovers a new way to access the Genesis device as she researches the history of the Hosts of Eden. Meanwhile, Mason is attacked by some strange being that is scared off at the very last minute. Then the President calls with a strange new request.  Take an audio adventure and binge listen to this 10-part modern radio drama on the KSL Newsradio app, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or wherever you get podcasts.  "Hosts of Eden" is a fictional podcast, written and performed by Jay Mcfar