Liquid Church

How Serving At Church Makes A Difference



Do you remember the first time you visited a church? Did you feel welcome? That answer could depend on the doorkeeper. In the times of the Old Testament (thousands of years ago), doorkeepers were people who stood outside of the Holy Temple. Now, this wasn’t a sought after job, because the further away you were from the inside of the temple, the less important you were considered to be.  At churches today, like Liquid, we still have doorkeepers. But, they serve a vital role and we hold them in high esteem. You see, our doorkeepers are the first people that welcome guests to church. Whether you serve on the parking team or the greeting team literally holding the door open for guests or making them feel welcome as they enter the service, how you interact with them can make the difference between a positive church experience or a negative church experience. The big picture here is that we hold the door open for others to meet Jesus. This is how serving at church makes a real difference in people's lives! T