Kavaski Ervin

This Day in Women's History



Edith Cavell was a remarkable British nurse who lived during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Born in 1865 in Swardeston, England, she pursued a career in nursing and later became the matron of a nursing school in Brussels, Belgium. Her dedication to her profession and her unwavering commitment to providing medical care transcended borders, and she is best known for her heroic actions during World War I. Edith Cavell's life took a dramatic turn when, during the war, she risked her own safety to aid wounded soldiers from both sides, regardless of nationality. Her selflessness and compassion for the wounded earned her international recognition as a symbol of humanity in a time of conflict. Tragically, Edith Cavell's heroic efforts would lead to her arrest by German authorities occupying Belgium in 1915. She was subsequently court-martialed, found guilty of aiding enemy soldiers, and sentenced to death by firing squad. Despite international pleas for clemency, she was executed on October 12, 1915. Edith