Beyond The Badge

Officer Jeremy Brown



Officer Jeremy Brown is an exceptional person and a dedicated officer who makes a profound difference in our community. Officer Brown is currently serving as a D.A.R.E officer to four elementary schools and the resource officer for Centerville Junior High. He works under the direction of the Detective Division, as such has been trained for crime scene investigation and he assists with cases as he is available. Jeremy has also been given many additional assignments due to his wide range of talent and abilities. Because of his computer knowledge he has been tapped to assist with I.T. issues. He is the liaison between the Police Department and the July 4th Celebration Committee, as such he planned for all police resource deployments during the last two years. Jeremy has also taken on many different odd jobs like keeping up on our facebook page posts, gathering traffic related data, placement of the RADAR trailer around the city and other duties. I constantly hear praise from members of the public and from my own