Inside The Minds Eye

Inside The Minds Eye with/ Hayes Johnson



Hayes Johnson was homeless, traveling a nomadic lifestyle for the better part of 10 years. From smoking crystal meth, to vagabonding on trains, to pursuing a path of sobriety; Hayes shares his life experience as a performance artist. Swallowing swords, hammering nails into his face, rapping, singing, playing guitar... Hayes has cultivated a skill set that allows him to build a crowd in any arena, be it the street, or the stage. He offers art in the form of sideshow entertainment. But, he gets nervous every time he performs. Fear, anxiety, and self-doubt. As soon as he begins to speak, as soon as he takes a plunge into the unknown, allowing himself to be seen, something happens. He's given gusto, a surge of wind, carrying him through the performance. A few weeks ago, we drove to his home, "The Black Hold Bordello", to catch a conversation. This is: Inside the Minds Eye with Hayes Johnson To watch the film we produced featuring Hayes and many of his talents visit: