Elimination Of The Snakes

Elimination of the Snakes - Show #705



Life and political podcast.  Brought to you from The Divided States of America. Click on "Read More" for Videos of the Week Podcasting since 2006... Buddies for many years... Dan and Jill made a trip last weekend... Greenbay Packers... More football talk... A good story from Dan's world... Speaker of the House... A Dan likes channel surfing at hotels story... Israel attack... Talk about last weeks videos... Last rant of the week... Videos of the Week: Liberal Redneck - McCarthy Ousted In Memory McCarthy Vision Trump as House Speaker SURGES into national spotlight Let's talk about questions the Pope was asked.... Appeasement Tips for Donald Trump's Cellmate | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) Who will replace Kevin McCarthy?? | Armageddon Update | Christopher Titus Let's talk about the next Speaker of the House.... What Happened in the House? Liberal Redneck - RFK Jr. Runs as Independent Let's talk about Wisconsin, judges, and impeachment....