Hope Presbyterian Church In Winston-salem Sermons

The Gospel of God: Wrath and Truth



Series: The Gospel of GodScripture: Romans 1:18-32 “A God without wrath brought men without sin into a kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a cross.” Richard Neibuhr’s famous definition of American liberal Christianity “The picture of Jesus as the coming Judge is the central feature of another absolutely vital and non-negotiable Christian belief: that there will indeed be a judgment in which the creator God will set the world right once and for all. The word judgment carries negative overtones for a good many people in our liberal and postliberal world. We need to remind ourselves that throughout the Bible, not least in the Psalms, God’s coming judgment is a good thing, something to be celebrated, longed for, yearned over. It causes people to shout for joy and the trees of the field to clap their hands. In a world of systematic injustice, bullying, violence, arrogance, and oppression, the thought that there might come a day when the wicked are firmly put in their place and th