Conversation Street

Our Top 5 People Stephen Should Have Killed



For this week's bonus podcast, we've borrowed the format we use for our Patreon exclusive episodes each month and are counting down our individual Top 5 characters Stephen Reid should have killed off. Now obviously, at the time of recording, there's still scope for him to claim another victim, so we've decided not to include anyone on our list who we think actually has a realistic chance of getting bumped off this week, however small. (Plus we thought that if the likes of Elaine or Tim were on the longlist, the pair of us would probably end up making very similar choices!) With that in mind, we've decided to throw the doors right open and choose from ANY other character on the show we'd like to see the back of at the hands of Corrie's latest serial killer - and of course explain why! Not only that, but we've also plotted out the scenarios by which they'd meet their sticky end, so if you like a bit of fan fiction, this episode should be right up your street!