She's Making An Impact's Podcast

My painful faith-filled journey to health and healing (With Martha Fry) - Episode 427



This episode is a little different than our usual ones; we’re sharing an interview I did on Martha Fry’s Weight Loss With God Podcast. Martha is actually one of our Impact Partnership members! This episode is all about my faith and healing journey and some impactful stories that I haven’t really shared before.    Let’s dive in!    0:00 - 5:44: My volleyball journey led to body criticism and injuries 5:45 - 8:15: Progressive rib pain and the challenges that surfaced 8:16 - 17:07: Self-diagnosis, intention-setting and prayer, and finding a surgeon for slipped rib syndrome 17:08 - 20:14: How prayer heals and God uses people miraculously 20:15 - 28:07: Embracing God's movement in business and healing     Ready for more? Here are 3 ways we can help you: 1)