Buzz Dental

Maximize Your Dental Marketing and Profitability Through Real Estate



On this episode of BUZZ, we are joined by special guest Colin Carr, CEO of CARR Inc., as we focus on a tangible asset of your Dental Practice: Real Estate.  We review tips and strategies for navigating the Real Estate market, acquiring office space, managing your investment, and how to optimize your sale or ownership into the future. To learn more about CARR Inc., please visit:   Dental Marketing Show Produced by Dentainment Dentainment is a Digital Creative Marketing Agency, providing services to the Dental Community such as: Logo Design Brand Identity Dental Websites Search Engine Optimization Video Production Social Media Management Google AdWords Management Voice Search Optimization and more   Learn more about Healthcare Real Estate Experts CARR, Inc.:   Discover the power of AI, video, social media, and more in ‘Best Dental Marketing,’ the ultimate guide for Dental professionals looking to transform their marketing ef