On The Edge With April Mahoney

Michele Wilcox joins me on the edge to share the impact of the "TARA"



https://youtu.be/39vX1HU2w14 https://www.resourceforhealth.us Please INVITE me to your community or workplace to teach TARA’s Self-Care in person or online! BOOK an individual TARA session with me for in person or via zoom. See more scheduling details on Contact page. Message: ​jemswilcox@aol.com or 502-751-3719 Actively engaged since 2014 in learning and practicing the TARA Approach for the Resolution of Shock and Trauma, I have known deep and ongoing healing by it and am passionate about sharing this uplifting art. As a Certified Self-Care Teacher and Advanced Practitioner, I have worked closely with Founder Dr. Stephanie Mines and am also a central and founding member of the TARA Approach Faculty, specializing in self-care. The TARA Approach is a clinically tested, trauma-informed, culturally sensitive and comprehensive protocol.