Moxietalk With Kirt Jacobs

MoxieTalk with Kirt Jacobs #383: Andrew Pledger



In the beginning, long before he was born. His parents were both devout fundamentalist Christians, & his maternal grandparents raised his Mother Methodist until they converted to fundamentalist Christianity & his paternal grandmother was a fundamentalist Christian & his grandpa eventually converted. Andrew’s parents met at Hyles Anderson College in the late 1980s; Hyles Anderson is known for being a strict fundamentalist school. His Father studied to be a pastor & his mother was going to be an English teacher. They got married in the early 90s & were excited to have children but had difficulties & after contemplating adoption, they prayed about it until it finally happened! They had 3 boys & Andrew was the middle child. They interpreted the birth of their children as a prayer answered & dedicated their children to the God of Christianity. Homeschooling was popular among fundamentalist Christians because of the separation from the world, outside influences, & TOTAL control o