Ab Film Review & The Last New Wave

ACMI Exhibition Director Chris Harris Talks About Alice in Wonderland at Boola Bardip WA Museum



Andrew heads down the rabbit hole with the travelling exhibition at Boola Bardip WA Museum in Perth, ACMI's Alice in Wonderland exhibition. Featuring a mammoth array of archival materials from since Lewis Carroll's iconic and formative book, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, was first released in 1865, this exhibition takes you on a magical journey with early silent era films, to Jan Svankmajer's haunting and eerie stop motion feature, to Disney's animated version, all the way to the recent Tim Burton entries. Along the way, there is a wealth of knowledge about the various different versions of the story, whether it be through drug awareness campaigns, anime, or even x-rated musical comedies: you name it, it's here in some capacity. Yet, don't let the mention of X-rated musical comedies make you feel that this is solely an adult experience, as kids of all ages can find something to enjoy here, with a mystical maze like hallway experience with small doors, a spectacular Mad Hatter tea party experience where a