Ab Film Review & The Last New Wave

Matt Hale Interview - Hypnotism, Anxiety, Relationships, and Covid-19



Matt Hale is a hypnotist who has performed at Fringe Festivals around the world and for corporate events providing guidance and support. While in this enforced reprieve that we all find ourselves in, Matt has released some helpful tools on his website for people struggling with isolation and mental health problems in this Covid-19 era.Andrew caught up with Matt to ask about hypnotism and the apprehension that some may have when it come to hypnotism, as well as discussing what can help with easing minds in this time of need, as well as helping out with relationships too.This is a worthwhile discussion to dive into, finding out about how best to approach the issues of our mind, and what actions we can take to tackle problems like anxiety and being around our partners 24/7.We'd love to hear from YOU about what mindfulness techniques you have been using to help out with your mind in this period of isolation. What music do you listen to to help you meditate? And what tips do you have for those living with their pa