Ab Film Review & The Last New Wave

The Gateway Bug Interview with Director Johanna B. Kelly and Producer Cameron Marshad - The Last New Wave



The Melbourne Documentary Film Festival kicks off on July 9th and carries through to the 16th of July. Screening as part of the festival is The Gateway Bug, a documentary about the future - and that future is entomophagy... aka... eating bugs! Andrew interviewed director Johanna B. Kelly and producer Cameron Marshad about what went in to making a documentary about bugs, and what inspired them do cover this subject. The Gateway Bug was funded through Kickstarter, which Cameron discusses the ways he navigated through crowdfunding. This is a truly fascinating documentary in the line of That Sugar Film and The End of the Line - it'll make you look at the way you consume food in a different light, while also making you consider just how beneficial our insect friends are.The Gateway Bug screens on July 16th at 3:00pm. Tickets can be purchased here.Become a Patron!Follow us on twitter at ABFilmReview, Facebook at ABFilmReview. Feel free to leave us a review on i