Straight A Nursing

#271: Get Ready to Give Adenosine



Adenosine is one of the scariest, and most amazing, drugs I’ve ever administered as a nurse. In this episode, you’ll learn the key things to know using the Straight A Nursing DRRUGS framework including: * Why adenosine is kind of terrifying to give * How adenosine works and what we use it for * How adenisone is administered * When adenosine is contraindicated and how to monitor a patient receiving this medication * Important drug-drug interactions * Adverse effects of the medication Read the article and view references for adenosine here. Looking for more pharmacology episodes? You can find them here! Get a head start on pharmacology with the Pharmacology Success Pack Join my Facebook group, Thriving Nursing Students, and surround yourself with motivated and supportive nursing students! Want to learn pharmacology in 5 minutes or less? Enroll in Fast Pharmacology and pop in your ear-buds to review pharm foundation concepts and over 80 drug classes on the go. __________  The information, including but