Straight A Nursing

#254: BONUS! Accepting Feedback in Nursing School



If there’s one thing that’s consistent throughout all of nursing school it’s the constant feedback - on exams, in clinical, in skills lab, on assignments and in simulation lab. And yes, sometimes that feedback isn’t what we were hoping to hear and it can be really demoralizing if you let it. But with the right mindset, you can accept even the harshest feedback without it blowing your confidence! In this episode I’m sharing some mindset tips and a new way to view feedback so that it helps you grow (even when it’s not what you want to hear). I’m also sharing tips from ATI, the sponsor of our “Say Yes to Success” series which airs for five consecutive weeks. Take a minute to follow the show so you don’t miss a single episode! You can also listen to all the episodes in this series by using the links below or searching for the episode number in your favorite podcast app: Secret #1: Episode 174 Secret #2: Episode 181 Secret #3 and #4: Episode 185 Secret #5: Episode 187 Secret #6 and #7: Episode 189 Secret #8 an