Gcf Austin

Testing What You Hear



Life Group Questions: 1. Share an example from your life of when you tested what you heard from God. 2. The first test Kasey shared was to filter out the impurities. Through sorrow, loss, sickness, pain, offenses, doubt, discouragement, temptation, & personal desire we filter God’s voice through our tainted human perspective. Does this ring true for you? Have you experienced this before? Explain. 3. The Bible test:a. What conclusions can be drawn when you know that the Bible contradicts what you heard from God?b. What is absolutely essential to accomplish this test? 4. The source test: Kasey listed distinctive characteristics of messages from each source (World, Holy Spirit, You). For each source, which of the listed characteristics seemed most notable to you? 5. The humility test: We should seek counsel to help us determine if the message is from God. Do you do this? If not, why not? If so, how does it work for you?