Daily Success Show with Jamila Payne

Don’t Leave $$ On the Table - Command a Higher Rate (here’s how)



Have you ever had a potential client try to negotiate your price or ask for a deal?  Let’s talk about how NOT to leave money on the table. One of our Achiever Club members said she had a client that asked for a COVID discount… We can easily get caught in the mental drama of thinking that you’ll lose a potential client if you don’t negotiate your rate. But that’s not true. Sometimes people are just testing you.  And not in a malicious way… they just want a deal. I want to invite you not to feel bad about charging more. Because real talk, women aren’t making enough money. Thinking you need to have a bunch of low tickets offers to not offend anyone, that's it’s an investment to work with you…. is a bad idea. When you raise your rates, some people will be upset, some will leave and others will watch you level up and do the same...  It’s time to stop leaving money on the table and command your rate and in this episode of the Breadwinning Women podcast, we’re going to show you EXACTLY how to do it. You will learn: