Daily Success Show with Jamila Payne

How to Use Project Planning to Follow-Through (Everyday) and Make Your Goals Reality



You have important projects to accomplish - the ones that will grow your business to the next level. But If you’re winging it, starting the day with no plan, you’ll end up getting bogged down with other people’s priorities, putting out fires or spinning not sure what-to-do.  The answer - a project plan that will keep you focused, organized, and growing. Project planning will allow you to break down what you want to accomplish into specific actions. I want to give you 4 steps that you can use today to get started managing your projects. After years of growing an online business, I can promise you that knowing how to seamlessly manage the day-to-day of running your business will set you up for success. And trust me, this approach to project management makes it really simple to set started so you can focus on building your empire.  Register for the Profitable Project Planning Workshop Whenever you’re ready, here are two ways my team and I can help you grow your business this year: Join the Breadwinning Women pr