Daily Success Show with Jamila Payne

Keeping Self-Commitments is Sexy. Here's Why.



If the first thing you checked when you woke up this morning was your work email, you're setting yourself up for disaster. You’re priorities instantly go out the door because you’re using email to dictate your to-do list. Achieving your bigger goals and dreams means keeping commitments with yourself.   When you commit to becoming a better version of yourself, your career, relationships, and all the other areas in your life will certainly fall into place. Are you curious about how to build a deeper confidence in your ability to make those goals happen and have power over your life?   This episode of the Daily Success Show is a special peek inside a workshop for the Society of Professional Women where I was the keynote speaker.  I talk about the hidden unproductive habits and the systems and processes that will help your business reach the next financial milestone. It's time to create an execution plan for 2020 that takes your business to the next level. Join the Plannerpalooza challenge 3-days of Free masterc