Daily Success Show with Jamila Payne

Ep 3| 6 Routines that will transform your life



Wouldn't you love to have a routine that allows wake-up feeling good, have time for yourself and know exactly what to do? Well, today we're talking about daily routines. I'm going to share 6 routines you can use to manage your day. 6 Routine's that will transform your life These routines are explained in full detail on the show: Morning Routine: Did I set up my day to win Hour of Power: Did I set up time to work on my 90-day goals Workday wrap up routine: Did I note where I left off? How am I going to make the transition from home to work, If you work from home it's hard to transition Power Down Routine: Don't want to go to bed with things running through your mind. Quite down the mind and get the rest that you need for the next day Prep: Time that your executing commitments that you need to do, nonprofit board, in your business Self-Care Routine: Have I made myself a priority This week's action guide is on designing your own daily routine. This guide will help you create a routine for your morning and your