Jerry Royce Live - Worldwide

LATE NIGHT WITH JERRY ROYCE LIVE & & KELLY HOLLAND EP 877 w/ Dr. Evelyn Hill | Community Advocate



She has served on the Kansas City, Kansas Board of Education from July of 2009through January of 2018. During her tenure on the Board of Education, she was thePresident from July 2014 through July 2017. She values education and believes everychild has the right to receive a quality education. She embraces the fact that we arelifetime learners.Dr. Hill worked with Avenue of Life, a community development organization whose focusis on empowering poor families to become financially self-sufficient with an emphasis onadvocating for families who have been challenged with judicial systems and beyond.Dr. Hill has worked strategically with Avenue of Life, KCK School District, and otheragencies to decrease the number of homeless kids in the school district. The originalnumber of 1400 homeless kids have decreased by over 50%.Since the death of George Floyd and other African American civilians in 2020along with the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Hill has been moved to speak up for theunder-served communities in our metropolitan