Satsang With Swami Shankarananda

Community Satsang



In this special Community Satsang, Swamiji begins by sharing some of the experiences that lead him to India and his own inner journey for the true Self. He talks about the clear space of good feeling within and how we can all access this place of great strength, joy and love through meditation. Swamiji shares his experiences of meeting a number of great saints in India, including his own Guru Baba Muktananda. This podcast was recorded live at The Ashram in Mount Eliza on the 14th of October, 2023. Watch the full satsang program with Swamiji and Devi Ma at The Ashram with a weekly subscription to The Ashram Online! This subscription will give you access to a library of over 100 hours of Swamiji's talks, meditation and chanting programs, hatha yoga classes and more. Click here to learn more.