Pod Save The Queen

William the peace envoy and Meghan's latest outing



Prince William's Middle East tour was already historic as the first official royal visit to Israel since the country's birth 70 years ago.But it took on even greater importance when Israeli President Reuven Rivelin gave the Duke of Cambridge a message of peace for the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.With a complicated history and tinderbox present, the Daily Mirror's head of politics Jason Beattie explains the context of William's visit in the latest episode of Pod Save The Queen.And reporter Russell Myers, who was in the room for William's meeting with the President, joins host Ann Gripper via Skype to provide an update from the tour itself.But in a podcast of two halves, there is still time to discuss the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's latest appearance. Meghan and Harry joined the Queen for a celebration of Commonwealth young leaders at Buckingham Palace yesterday.And more information about the newlyweds' Irish visit and the details of Prince Louis's christening. For information regarding your data priv