We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

378 Camille Dan from aaronsenergy.com on the New Afterlife Anthology Book: Gathering at the Doorway



Camille Dan is the author of the books “Aaron’s Energy: An Unexpected Journey Through Grief and the Afterlife With My Brilliant Son” (Volume I & II) and her latest book is beautiful compilation - just released called  “Gathering at the Doorway: An Anthology of Signs, Visits, and Messages from the Afterlife.”  Camille has prior professional experience as a Critical Care Registered Nurse, a Medical Technical Consultant for Feature Films and Television, and is currently a Private Investment Manager. She is a BEAUTIFUL SOUL with an amazing passion to share to help others. Some of the organizations she mentions are https://www.helpingparentsheal.org/ https://www.foreverfamilyfoundation.org/ and Sonia Rinaldi's film 'Rinaldi - Instrumental Transcommunication to the Other Side' https://vimeo.com/ondemand/Rinaldi ***More episodes of We Don't Die Radio, weekly classes, demonstrations and our free Sunday Gathering available at https://www.wedontdie.com/- Also listen to Sandra's new show on iHeartRadio https://www.i