We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

325 Pastor Havivah Richards - from the NSAC & Church of the Living Spirit



Havivah Richards is Pastor of the Church of the Living Spirit in Phoenix, AZ, which is part of the NSAC (the National Spiritualist Association of Churches). She is an Ordained Minister, NST Teacher, Certified Medium, and Commissioned Healer. She is a Trustee on the National Spiritualist Association of Churches Board and their Director of Lyceums. Havi is a fifth generation Spiritualist who truly loves teaching and helping explain Spiritualism and its aspects to everyone. I met Havi last year in Phoenix during the Afterlife Symposium as her church hosted the two physical medium demonstrations with Scott Milligan. I am so grateful that the NSAC has asked both Scott and myself to be presenters at their upcoming convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin September 29 - October 4th. We’ll talk more about that on this episode and you may like to join us for the workshop on Monday!! You may visit https://nsac.org or  https://nsac.org/news-events/convention/ to find out more about the convention OR find an NSAC church near y