Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S18-Hadrat Khadija-The Pure One(raa)-Jibreel (as) informs the Prophet ﷺ to give Khadija glad tidings



Hadrat Khadija - The Pure One (raa) Session 18 The Arc Angel Jibreel (as) informs the Prophet ﷺ that Khadija (raa) is to arrive with a dish and to give her the glad tidings that Allah SWT has given Salaam to her as well as myself and that she will have a palace of Qasab in paradise. Hadrat Khadija (raa) traveled 3 miles only to ascend to the cave of Hira, where He ﷺ was, while carrying a dish of food illustrating her immense love for rasulallah ﷺ. Qasab is described to be a hollowed out pearl more lofty than a castle and possibly containing gold. In paradise it is situated inbetween the palaces of both Asia and Maryam. Qasaba can also refer to wining a race as Khadija (raa) was the first to embrace Islam. Khadija (raa) avoids the mistake of giving Salaam to Allah SWT unlike many of the sahabah in the future showing her unique status as a Siddiquea.