Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Malvina Messler, Unleash Your Potential: A Journey to Breakthrough and Purpose, Episode 322



You are going to love our special guest today, Malvina Messler. Her fascination with the human mind began over two decades ago. She grew up in communist Poland, witnessing limitations, scarcity, and hopelessness. However, Malvina discovered firsthand how the power of mindset can instill hope, shift perspectives, and lead an entire nation toward peaceful and productive action. She also saw how a mindset shift could change lives. She's on a mission to empower women to become the CEOs of their lives from the inside out.   In This Episode: Discover Malvina’s transformative journey and how she found an unconventional and fulfilling path. Explore how breaking the routine and immersing yourself in new environments can lead to personal growth and self-discovery Find out how you can show up in your business while also living life to the fullest Understand the importance of embracing change and cultivating a growth mindset Learn how Malvina’s retreat in Paris became a turning point in her life and discove