Audio Stories With J. B. Simien

Could This Be Paranormal?



In 1883, Henry Ziegland broke off a relationship with his girlfriend. Out of distress, she committed suicide. The girl’s brother was so enraged that he shot Ziegland. Believing he had killed him, he then turned his gun on himself and committed suicide. However, Ziegland was not dead. The bullet only grazed his face and lodged in a nearby tree. In his dreams, Ziegland frequently encountered her brother who swore that he would kill him yet. Some years later, Ziegland decided to cut down the tree that has stopped the bullet. Unusually, he decided to blow it up using dynamite. The resulting explosion propelled the bullet from that fallen tree into Ziegland’s head (killing him). Could this be paranormal?The theme for this episode is it could be paranormal. Visit: www.TheAudioStories.comCheck ASP on Dave Jackson’s www.PodcastRodeoShow.comThe stories for this episodeA Haunted Highway from John K.Two Spells to Improve Your Love LifeThe Floating Dead from Private MemberLincoln’s Ghost More White House Ghosts