Starseed Radio Academy

The Power of Understanding Your Daily Transits



In order to make the wisest decisions, avoid complications and take advantage of the optimal timings, it's essential to know what is influencing you on a daily basis.  Wouldn't you want to know when the best time will occur for important actions?  This is the power of understanding your current planetary transit influences.  You can spend time meticulously making plans, but if you are oblivious to your transits, your project could fall apart or not succeed as it could have, had you picked the best day to launch it.  If you need to have an important conversation, if you don't choose your timing, you could be met with opposition or fail to be understood.  There are outer planet transits that last for years, while the inner planet transits often only a few days.  For example, Jupiter transits bring growth, expansion, opportunity, abundance and good luck, and your Natal chart shows in which area of life it occurs.  Uranus transits usually shake things up if you've been creatively restricted, and if you try to res