Talking Space

Episode 512: Can Antares Reach "Orbital" Velocity?



On this episode of Talking Space, we discuss the deorbit of the Russian Progress vehicle. We then go into an in-depth discussion into the reason why Gene was unable to join us tonight-the demo launch of Orbital Science's Antares rocket from Wallops Island. We discuss the flight, the COTS program, and our thoughts on it. We then discuss a cool little camera doing some big science. On our second trip around the table, we discuss the proposed 2014 NASA budget. We look at where it's going, a possible asteroid capture mission getting funding, how sequestration will affect the budget, Russia's increase in spending to its space program, and some other space-related programs worried about their budgets. On our final trip around the table, we discuss the progress of the new Atlantis exhibit at the Kennedy Space Center Visitors Complex. Next, we talk about a supercomputer named Endeavour. Lastly, we discuss the space anniversaries: April 12th and April 13th. [TWO IMAGES WERE INSERTED HERE. TO VIEW THEM, PLEASE VISIT H