Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

Episode 205: "Building Great Communication with Your Almost Grown Kids" Guest: Dr. Emily Kline



Are you longing for a stronger connection with your almost grown kids, but finding it challenging because it feels like you're speaking different languages? Many parents face this dilemma. You may have resorted to nagging and lecturing your kids thinking it will make them listen and understand, but let's be honest, that approach doesn't work. Fortunately, there's a better way. Join renowned experts, Dr. Meg Meeker and Dr. Emily Kline, as they engage in an enlightening discussion on effective strategies to bridge the communication gap with your almost grown kids. Their conversation focuses on: The art of effective communication to build stronger relationships with your almost grown kids. Practical tips on setting healthy cell phone use boundaries for teens. The importance of showing genuine interest in your teenager's life and how active listening can make a huge difference.   The key moments in this episode are: 00:00:00 The Challenges of Communicating with Older Kids 00:03:48 Giving Kids Control and the