Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

Episode 200-"A Look Back at the Best 200 Episodes" Guest: Dr. Meg Meeker, Mike Segovia and Jessica Daley



In this episode, Dr. Meeker along with her podcast producer’s, Mike Segovia and Jessica Daley, will take you down memory lane in celebration of Episode #200 of Parenting Great Kids podcast.  Episode #165 “Toxic Screen Time” with guest, Melanie Hempie.  She has answers and solutions for parents when it comes to social media and your children.  “Kids who are not burdened with smart phones and social media score higher in every single area. From academics, family attachment, interests and hobbies, their exercise and eating habits and sleeping habits. Everything that you can possibly measure, they do better.”  - Melanie Hempie Episode #41 “The Hope of Adoption” with guests, Steven Curtis, Mary Beth and Emily Chapman.  Emily was heavily involved in creating and nurturing this desire in her parent’s to want to adopt a child.  “I realize more as I look at the work of Show Hope and our own story of adoption and all the ways that Gods hands have been on and working through Emily’s life and our family in a profound way