Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

Episode 176-"Developing a Strong Faith in a Scary Culture" Guest: Ken Harrison



Ask Christians what they expect to happen to them after they die, and most will say they will go to heaven. And they’ll probably say that they will meet Jesus and hope to hear Him say, “Well done good and faithful servant.” But many believers know they are not living up to God’s calling on their lives. In fact, many might even admit their lives don’t honor God at all—at least Mondays through Saturdays.     In A Daring Faith in a Cowardly World, Ken Harrison masterfully uses his stories as a Los Angeles police officer in one of the deadliest areas of the country to explain and illustrate deep truths from God’s Word. This isn’t your typical inspirational book—it’s a hard-hitting work that packs a lot of truth into an easy-to-read page-turner. Each chapter starts and ends with a gripping story that has a twist, a “rest of the story” at the end of the chapter, and packs intense biblical truth and wisdom in the middle. Are you ready to take the first step towards a more courageous and bold life lived in Jesus? In