Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

PGK-Episode 160: Teen Suicide (with guest Jason Reid)



After losing his son, a grieving father goes on a mission to understand teen suicide. Jason Reid uncovers painful truths about the lives of teens, the impact of unfettered access to the internet and social media, and the shocking rise of depression among America’s youth. In examining his son’s technology use, he discovered what no parent wants to find. Seeking to uncover the warning signs that were missed, he instead found ways to reverse the isolation and disconnectedness that is killing our youth. Dr. Meg & Jason Reid (Part 1)Guest Jason Reid begins this episode by describing the days leading up to his 14 yr old son Ryan’s unexpected suicide. Looking back, he realizes that there were some warning signs, but he didn’t know how to read or respond to those signs at the time. Since Jason himself never struggled with depression, he didn’t know how to recognize it in his son’s life, and he didn’t talk to Ryan about mental health because it was never on his radar to do so – in his mind, depression and suicide wer