Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

PGK-Episode 157: Teaching Your Kids Not to Worry (with guest Joshua Straub)



Children don’t often know how to voice their worries, and they may even think the things they are worried about are silly or unimportant. Today’s guest, Dr. Josh Straub, along with his wife, Christi, co-wrote the children’s book, “What Do I Do With Worry?” as a way to help parents foster emotional awareness in their kids. Listen in and be equipped to help your kids deal with worry and anxiety in a positive way. Dr. Meg & Guest Dr. Josh Straub (Part 1) If a child doesn't have the language to express what they are worried about, it can manifest in ways that show up as disobedience, anger, fear, or in other ways. Experiencing this firsthand with their own children was a major reason why Dr. Josh felt compelled to write, “What Do I Do With Worry?” While many parents focus on addressing the outward manifestation of negative behaviors, Dr. Josh explains how they can dig deeper into their child’s heart to find out if their child may actually be feeling worried – while manifesting a different, negative behavior. T