Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

PGK Episode151: Babies and Sleep (with guest Dr. Bob Hamilton)



Babies need to be taught human traits early on, and one trait is that humans aren’t created to be nocturnal. Nighttime is for sleeping, and sleep is a learned phenomenon. Most adults don’t wake up and eat in the middle of the night. In the same way, babies don’t (typically) need to eat during the night either. The sooner parents train them not to do so, the sooner everyone will get a better night’s sleep! Join Dr. Meg and sleep expert Dr. Bob Hamilton as he shares multiple proven ways to get your baby to sleep through the night. This will be a win-win for everyone! MEG (PART 1) Dr. Meeker and Dr. Hamilton share different scenarios on training babies at different ages (newborn - 24 mo) to sleep through the night. If babies sleep less during the day, they will sleep more deeply at night. Also, establishing and sticking to a consistent bedtime routine is key to your baby (and you!) getting a healthy amount of sleep each night. It’s best if breast-feeding mothers don’t allow their baby to fall asleep at th