Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

#135: Simple Discipline That Works



Mornings around the house can be a bit of chaos. As a parent, do you give instructions like, “brush your teeth” or “load your backpack” only to have your kids not listen and disobey? Do you find yourself threatening to ground your teen or count to three repeatedly to your five-year-old? If this sounds like you, then you are going to love this episode. Dr. Meeker talks you through five secrets to help you know what to do when this happens and she teaches you how to speak in a way that makes your kids listen the first time, all without tantrums, fighting, back-talk, and screaming. This is an episode that every parent can learn from as they go about raising great kids! Do you have a question for Dr. Meg? If you have a question you want Dr. Meeker to answer, email them to and listen to future episodes to see if your question is featured! WELCOME Dr. Meg introduces today’s episode to help you know what to do when no stops working. WHAT TO DO WHEN NO STOPS WORKING (PART 1) Dr. Meg s