Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

#104: Coronavirus - What To Do As A Parent



As our country faces a crisis unlike anything we have faced, Dr. Meeker felt it was important to talk to you about Coronavirus. All of us are working diligently to keep our families protected and naturally there are concerns about whether we are doing the right things or doing enough to stay well. In today’s episode, Dr. Meg gives you practical advice on taking care of your family, teaching your kids about avoiding infection, and what to do if you think you have been exposed to Coronavirus. Your kids need to be able to look to their parents for great information, instructions on what to do, and know that their family is going to be ok, and you are just the great parent to do that! Also in this episode, Dr. Meg will give you her points to ponder that you can start using right away and answers a question from two different moms about the impact of Coronavirus on their families. If you have a question you want Dr. Meeker to answer in a future episode or on the Meeker Parenting Community page, email them to askme