Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

#102: Parenting A Child With A Birth Defect (with guest Stacey Mandel)



With the month of March being National Birth Defect Prevention Month, what better interview to conduct than one from a mom that gave birth to a baby with a birth defect. Dr. Meg talks with Stacey Mandel about her daughter who was born at 27 weeks and how she handled having a premature baby and also her feelings about her newborn daughter’s birth defect. Because of an incredible, life-saving injection of pulmonary surfactants (developed with funding provided by the March of Dimes), Stacey’s daughter Maxi was able to survive being born very early and without any lung defects. This conversation is an incredible testament to modern medicine helping provide life in an otherwise hopeless situation. Also in this episode, Dr. Meg will give you her points to ponder that you can start using right away. If you have a question you want Dr. Meeker to answer in a future episode or on the Meeker Parenting Community page, email them to and listen to see if your question is featured next!   0:00 – AD –