Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

#100: Fearless Parenting (with teaching segments from Dr. Meeker)



Whether you are a new parent, about to be a parent “again”, or you have been a parent for more than a decade, there are fears that each of you face as you raise your kids. There’s always a voice in your head that says, “you were too harsh this morning,” or “you were way too lenient this afternoon.” With the increase of social media posts, these days are bombarded with comparisons and perfect photos of perfect families. All of those things add extra stress and play into fears that come up in everyone’s parenting journeys. Dr. Meg knows these fears first-hand, and she wants to help you avoid them or overcome them as much as possible. This episode of the Parenting Great Kids podcast deals with your fears surrounding parenting. She gives you practical advice and tips to not let those fears stop you in your tracks, but to make you a stronger more confident mom or dad. This entire episode is dedicated to Dr. Meeker talking about what it means to engage in fearless parenting. You don’t want to miss this one! If you