Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

#99: Raising A Strong Daughter (with special guest Dr. Meg Meeker)



With societal pressures about body image, sexual activity, and inclusion in the “it crowds”, daughters have an increasingly difficult time staying strong these days. Even something as simple as an off-handed comment about you needing to lose weight can shift your daughter’s mindset toward an unhealthy body image. All these pressures can make it difficult for your daughters to stay safe, happy, and healthy. That’s why Dr. Meg wrote the book Raising A Strong Daughter: 11 Steps to Keep Her Safe, Happy and Healthy and is the “guest” in the interview in this episode. Our own Lisbeth Keen asks Dr. Meeker questions about her book that focuses in on the challenges, pressures, and dilemmas facing adolescent and teenage girls today. She also helps you answer the questions about how parents can help shepherd their daughters into womanhood while guarding against today's overwhelming social dangers. Also in this episode, Dr. Meg will give you her points to ponder that you can start using right away. If you have a question