Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

#95: Bi-Racial Families (with guest Autumn Miles)



Adopting children can be one of the greatest blessings that you experience. Some families choose to adopt to complete their family and some adopt to start theirs. In either case, adopting a child of a different race brings some baggage with it that you don’t necessarily know about until you’re in the thick of it. Sometimes people give you strange looks when you have an adopted child of a different race, or they may even call the police and report a kidnapping like in the case of Autumn Mile’s husband, Eddie. She tells this story as she talks with Dr. Meeker about what it has been like raising her African American adopted children Moses and Haven. As a dynamic speaker who produces regular inspirational content for her Facebook followers and for speaking engagements, she’s perfect for giving our listeners advice on how to handle a bi-racial family that you may encounter or how to better be a bi-racial family if you are in one already. Also in this episode, Dr. Meg will give you her points to ponder that you can