Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

#17: The Holidays (You Can Actually Enjoy Them)



Merry Christmas from Dr. Meg! In order to understand how to make the holidays more enjoyable, each one of us must figure out what makes them so unenjoyable. In other words, what puts us over the edge from Thanksgiving to Christmas. For each person this list may vary but there are some common threads and Dr. Meg discusses them in this episode. Also featured, a question from a father about daughters and their iPhones and another father asks how to respond to his son about his deceased grandmother. Send questions to Ad Toca TV Ad   1:18– WELCOME Dr. Meg sets up the topic about surviving the holidays and actually enjoying it with family and friends. She also sets up her Let’s Get Social segment. PARENTING TOOL – HOLIDAY SURVIVAL GUIDE For this free download, go to POINTS TO PONDER (PART 1) Dr. Meg shares her Points To Ponder, tips to survive and enjoy the holidays. Ad Ad   POINTS TO PO