The Modern Mann

Let's Build a Theme Park (Season 2, Ep 4)



Imagine designing rollercoasters for a living. That's what Bradley Wynne, lead creative artist at Merlin Magic Making, gets to do. A life-long adrenalin junkie, he's now heading up the team for Thorpe Park's biggest ever launch, Derren Brown's Ghost Train. Find out how sounds, smells and touch can enhance the experience of riding a rollercoaster; how the fallout from the tragedy on The Smiler has affected the theming process, and how Bradley used a very boring interest in planning application data to his advantage to secure his dream job. Also this episode: Ollie Peart debates our 'no spoilers' culture following the return of Game Of Thrones, the declining sales of pasta, and the enduring power of dial-up. Meanwhile, in The Foxhole, Alix Fox considers whether having sexual fantasies about your schooldays makes you a paedophile. (It doesn't). Our record of the week is Damien Jurado's new single, Qachina, out May 6th; and this episode has been sponsored by Fallen London, the brand new text adventure game for iO